Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Today is about craving.  Many things in your life can be dictated by your craving... this is to be distinguished from your typical desires, in that craving is far more powerful a demon.  Craving is fast.  Craving comes out of nowhere like a Hemi powered riding lawn mower, tearing apart everything in its path, kicking the remnants off to the side without a care, drowning out all other sounds and feelings with its impossible roar.  Craving will drag you down and hold you there... so long as you allow it to do so.

Craving has become the calling card of the marketing world.  Every add everywhere has at its core the intent on sparking your craving for what ever the fuck it is offering.  Much of the time, it has nothing at all to do with what the service is offering, just sparking the CRAVING from within you.  Why do pictures of tits sell beer?  Milk would make sense, or ladies clothing, but beer?  What it does is set the Craving mower in motion, just to get the sucker started, and let it drive.  You will do something once its going.

I know that my craving happiness actually gets right in the way of me being happy.  I want something.  I feel like I am missing something from my life, and it fucks me right up.  Sends me off the fuckin' rails, takes me hours to get my shit right again.  If I let it.  This is one of the hardest things to get under control, because it has been a huge part of my life, and advertising is fucking EVERYWHERE, and it fires up that mower unexpectedly if I am not watching.  Just watching any tv anywhere, fucking Disney Channel, anything... and there will be people telling me I need something, that I am not doing something right, that my life isn't right... or tits.  Nickolodeon has these 'Get up and play!' commercials that come on, that's like "You lazy degenerate, what are you doing watching TV, you should be up spending some quality time with your kids!  By a fucking frisbee!"  And then I am instantly like 'Fuck, David Allen Greer is right!  What am I doing relaxing on my day off, I should be helping someone or fixing something or doing something for someone other than me or doing something FOR me'... and then I'm all fucked up for the next 5 hours and end up accomplishing exactly ZERO.

It is because the craving was allowed to take control.  Those evil ads sparked the craving monster in me, and its not even the ads fault, but my fault for allowing the ads message in to me.  In ancient buddhism, you are supposed to deny all craving to allow yourself enlightenment... but this is near impossible in the modern world.  I would have to shut off all communication with the outside world, completely and utterly, with no further contact.  Advertising is EVERYWHERE, it has infected our society, every single aspect of it, from TV to Radio, to other things like job interviews and just your day to day work, to me even writing this blog.  I'd like for people to read it, I think I've got cool shit to say, but the only way anyone is going to read it is if I advertise it.  The only way I am going to get a job is if I sell myself, and I have to do that every day for my entire career, if I want to advance.  Society IS advertising.  Advertising is about craving.  If A = B, and B = C, than A must equal C; to function in modern society is to bow to your own craving, and manipulate others craving in order to thrive. 

Sometimes a post gets away from you... and sometimes that makes for the best posts.  Other times it makes for a bunch of incoherent gibberish that no one but you understands.  And, on occasion, its the five dollar Vodka doing the writing for you.  Note to self; if you are going to let the drink do the talking, at LEAST allow it to be Cognac.

The Angry Man

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