Saturday, August 29, 2009

Offense - Health Care

This is not something that I would normally talk about, because I am the LAST person to get involved in a political discussion. But it is in the news now, and I've heard some fucked up discussions about it. Call me an anti-politician, because I don't give a fuck whose 'side' I'm on, I'm just going to say what I think about the 'idea' of a Universal health care plan.

First off, I don't have the first fucking clue about what Obama's actual package for universal health care contains. I don't care, if it gets voted in, great... if not, great! (Not giving a fuck is AWESOME!) Second, I am not a democrat OR a republican... I was born an American, therefore I am interested in what is going to help Americans, not just myself or my 'friends'. That means ALL Americans, the Old, the Crippled, the Stupid... EVERYONE. As much as I may hate stupid people, and feel they should all be shipped to a remote island to be flogged daily and forced into cannibalism, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same health care plan that I do. (I don't even have a problem with these so called 'Illegal Aliens' that they talk about. Don't worry, i'll have a whole seperate post bitching about that issue!).

I think universal health care is a good idea. So does EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON THE PLANET. If that isn't a compelling enough reason enough to switch over, than I don't know what is. This is the only country that allows insurance companies to make decisions regarding YOUR health. When you allow financial experts rather than health maintenance professionals to decide what procedures you need, you KNOW you live in a fucked up time. Ever see that Robin Williams movie where he is a robot that wants to become human? By the end of it, him and his wife are both Cyborgs that lived to be like 200... (Well, son, I'm sorry, but with a credit score like that, you'll NEVER get that kidney!)

I went to the pharmacy a few years ago, and was told that my insurance denied payment for my medicine (I don't remember what it was). So, I called my insurance company, and I told the rep, "Hi, I'd like to speak with Dr. Tweel please." She said "I'm sorry?" "Well, I was just denied for my prescription that he ordered me to take, and since you DENIED my claim, I assumed he was there to advise you to do so. Does he have other instructions for me?" Needless to say, she was totally confused. This is the crap that I'm talking about. We have allowed too much power into the hands of those with the money, rather than the knowledge. (On a sidenote, check out the Geniocracy movement... really interesting things going on there...)

A lot of the discussion I see surrounding this issue has to do with social security benefits... that 'hard working Americans' that pay taxes are upset to be footing the bill for those that don't work. Well, that is exactly what 'social security' means, isn't it? For every douche-bag scammer that is 'faking' an injury to get a free ride, there are a dozen old, retarded, or really injured people that we, as a civilized nation, SHOULD choose to support. This is not the dark ages, where the old and infirm were ran out of town because they could no longer contribute! Not 50 years ago, it was VERY common to move your parents into your house when they retired... not shove them off to some granny college to knit afgans and watch Jeopardy until they die. When did we stop caring about the community, and start only caring for ourselves?

Chris Rock said some good stuff about insurance (you know, back when he was FUNNY)... "You know what's a real bitch? Insurance. It should be called 'In-Case-Shit". You give me some money In-Case-Shit happens... Well, if Shit don't happen, shouldn't i get my money back?" The very concept of Insurance and gambling stocks with things like Hedge Funds and mortgage lending are all what fucked up our economy in the first place. Universal Healthcare is a step towards regulating that; taking the power back from the guys with the money. And, don't give me that shit about "Big Government" taking over... if someone was watching these dirtbag cocksuckers in the first place, we wouldn't be in the shit like we are now... This 'fear' of a tyrannical government lording over it's people is a complete sham. Stay tuned for a rant on that, too...

That's my thoughts on Health Care, and where it should be. Once again, if you agree with what i say, let me know, give me a story about it... If you disagree, do the same thing, prove me wrong!

The Angry Man

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Offense - Women pt 1

As the theme here is O-fence, i'm going to talk about a particular incident that happened about six months ago with a woman at my school who got O-fended by a joke that i made, and never spoke to me again. SCORE! Its a stupid fucking story, and it won't be a long post, but i think it is important here because it illustrates the point that people need to LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP!

During Winter quarter, I was taking a Composition class. For those that don't know me (damn-near everyone!), while I am studying to be a network administrator, my real passion is writing. Since I attend a technical school, the curriculum is extremely rigid, so i don't get the chance to take oddball classes like "Art History" or anything, but there are 2 required Composition classes. The point being is that I'm the only person in the class enjoying myself, while everyone else is bitching "Why the fuck do i need to write papers, i'm going to be an electrician!" or some such shit.

The topic of the week was "Who has a harder time growing up in America: Men or Women?" What a loaded fucking question THAT is! Let's get it straight here: Guys are LUCKY to be guys. The shit that women have to go through just to operate their own bodies is INSANE! Periods, Childbirth, Motherhood, Menopause... i won't even mention the things that go on in the doctor's office... I LOOOVE me some women, but I wouldn't trade places with you for ANYTHING.

So, it's a dumb question right? Of COURSE Women have a harder time in ANY society. But, I'm a writer, and you gotta challenge yourself... so i write this two page bitch-fest about why its so hard to be a guy; that women have it easy, because there is always some 'man' available at hand whenever she needs help. Men are just on there own, even other GUYS don't help each other out... If you go to one of your male friends and say "Dude, I think I broke my leg!" he just laughs at you and says "You fuckin' dumbass, how'd you do that?" Women, on the other hand, all band together in a crisis. If a woman went into a crowded restaraunt and shouted "All men are pigs!" EVERY woman in the joint would stand up and applaud, all the while glaring at their men, daring them to dispute her. The men would just mutter under their breath "Damn, who was that bitch?" and hope their women don't hear them. If a man stood up in the same restaraunt and shouted "All women are bitches!" he would be SWARMED with a torrent of angry women (and an equal swarm of angry men, who now have to kick your ass so they can stay in good with their women.)

To cut to the chase, the instructor read it out loud to the class because SHE thought it was funny (she was great!), and I made it a point to state the same, that it was a joke. The woman behind me (I don't remember her name) flipped the fuck out. "How could you say all of that..." and "What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean!" Her and I had become somewhat friendly during the class, having sat next to each other for 6 weeks or so, but after that, she NEVER spoke another word to me. Weeks later, well into the next quarter i would see her in the hall, and she would look the other way.

Now, that isn't what pisses me off. The thing that really tweeks my nugget is that that same woman was kicked out of her first composition class for writing a paper about Dildos. DILDOS! She took the time to write five fucking pages on sex toys of all kinds; their usage, their cost, their stimulation value... and yet, THIS bitch has the NERVE to be O-fended by something that I said?!?

That's all i've got to say about that. What the fuck is wrong with people today, that they can't take jokes AT ALL?! If anyone else sees my point here, give me a holler... if you disagree with anything i've said here, well... Fuck you. Have a nice day!!

The Angry Man

Friday, August 14, 2009

Offense - Race

This will be my first post on an actual subject, not just a random bitch fest. At the end of my last post, I said I would likely talk about racism. I thought about it for the last few days, and I decided that I've got a lot of shit to say about race, and that there are very specific things about the race issue in this country that piss me off. Again, I'm not out to O-fend anyone, so if you don't like what i have to say, you only have yourself to blame for reading it.

I want to put something right out front first. I have a deep appreciation and understanding of what black people have gone through in this country in the last 100 years. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X... all great people who fought for equality in a nation supposedly founded on it. As George Carlin said "This is a nation where all men are created equal... except for niggers and women and indians." Check out the story of Emmett Till to see some real evil shit that went down in the 50's. Black people in America have struggled and have created a unique culture in this country; I have all the respect in the world for black people. As i said before, we are all from the same clay. So, enough bullshit...

Racism is a strange issue to me. First, only 'white' people can be racist in this country. I cannot walk down a street with a shirt that says "White Power" without getting my ass kicked. But, a black guy can have a Black Panther shirt, or an Obama shirt that says "Finally, our time has come!" and I'm an asshole for making a comment on it. (I voted for Obama, by the way. Ok, that's a lie, i didn't vote at all, but i WOULD have voted for him!) "I hate white people" can be said in public; shouting "I hate black people" will get you fired.

I get SO tired of seeing news reports concerning ANY interaction of black people with white authority figures, and it being labeled a Race issue. I just read an article from a few years ago about a kid found hung from a tree in Mississippi. Forensics found no evidence of foul play... the kid wasn't tied up, he wasn't bruised or molested in anyway... just hung. The police called it a suicide. BUT, because it was a Black Guy HANGING in Mississippi... it must have been a race issue. Jesse Jackson went there, and was PRAISED for braving the heat, and pressuring police to investigate further.

To me, it seems as if people like that want to keep fighting. Like, that's all that Reverend Jesse ever had was the fight for equality, and now that blacks are equal in society, what's he going to do now? Black Americans have made tremendous strides in every aspect of our culture in the last 50 years. Stop struggling and relax! its not a race!

Now we get to the real point. Affirmative Action. The NAACP. United Negro College fund. It is my belief that these institutions have run their course and should be disolved in this country. These efforts were necessary in a time when 'people of color' were thought of to be inferior. Now, it is these institutions that maintain that there IS a difference between people. Affirmative action is used to suggest that you, the employer, need to hire me not because i am qualified to work for you, but because i was supposedly born at a disadvantage by not being white. and need assistance. The same goes for the United Negro College fund; because it promotes a difference between people in an age when we are supposed to be uniting as 'one' people. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People should be changed to the National Association for the Advancement of ALL People. How is the NAACP NOT involved in racism from the African point of view? It is these institutions that are involved in 'keeping the black man down', merely to keep up their payroll. Chill the fuck out, Jesse. You've done great work, now its time to move on.

On a side note, where do American Indians fit into the racism debate? Lets ask them... Oh, wait, there AREN'T any! If anyone should be pissed off at this level, it is the indians, who are STILL suffering from segregation. But, do you hear Chief Watanabe talking about affirmative action? Hell no, he just wants to maintain HIS traditional way of life... AND, make a few bucks at the craps table. (That whole thing about paying reparations for 'damages to a defeated nation' is a bunch of crap. That was 150 years ago! You think Charlemagne did that when he conquered central Europe? Fuck no, you just rebuild what is now YOUR land, using the people of that land. Look, jobs!)

That's my thought on the subject. Race WAS an issue, during an age of ignorance. In order to move past it, we need to drop the issue from the conversation entirely. I am only speaking of America, which is supposed to be the enlightened center of the world. And, to show racism is dead, I'm going to end this peice with some classic dialogue from one of my all time favorite movies... Menace II Society.

O-Dog: Hey, man, who the fuck gonna be old out there at twelve o'clock at night, bitch? Shit, nigga, I'll smoke anybody, nigga. I just don't give a fuck. Shit. I'm gonna hit this shit, nigger.
Caine: Look, all right, not me, all right? I'm not killing no kids.
O-Dog: Hey, you know what, nigger? You acting like a little bitch right now. You acting real paranoid and shit. Now, these motherfuckers smoked your goddam cousin in front of you, nigga! Blew his head off in front of your face, and you ain't gonna do shit? You acting like a little bitch right now, nigga. Man, fuck that. I ain't letting that shit ride. We gonna go in and smoke all these motherfuckers. I don't care who the fuck out there. Goddamn it, is you down, nigger?
A-Wax: Man, both of y'all shut the fuck up. Both of y'all acting like some motherfucking bitches. Shit. Scared to peel these punk-ass nigga's cap. Now, give me my motherfucking joint, nigga.

Offense - the Beginning

That is to be pronounced "O-fence", not "OFF-ence", as i will not be talking about fucking football here. As you can see, the fact that i used the word "Fuck" in the first sentence, this will NOT be a PG-13 narrative. As my intention is not to O-fend anyone, you may want to go ahead and surf somewhere else. If you were invited here by me, which is likely, i am letting you know ahead of time that it will not be pretty.

I named this blog Offense not because i just want to write a bunch of offensive shit down to get a rise out of people. I honestly don't give a blue fuck what people say or feel about what i may write, and that is really the point here; that i O-fend people by the way that i talk and act in my 'normal' life. I spend an inordinate amount of time defending myself, and soothing sore feelings about things I've said or done, and that stops here.

I'm not a mean guy; not at all. The people who 'know' me, (which is a shockingly small number considering i was married for 10 years) know that I am kind and decent and go out of my way to help others, to the exclusion of even my own needs. If i have a dollar and you didn't, we would soon both have fifty cents. And yet, i still found myself back pedaling and defending my position CONSTANTLY. People ALWAYS found fault with the things that i said or did, accusing me of being uppity or cruel, acting like i was better than other people. I've NEVER believed i was better than anyone; hell, the people who 'know' me would know that i've studied Buddhism for the last 8 years, and that I believe everyone comes from the same pile of clay, no better no worse. Even if i said shit like THAT to people, they will say "Oh, he thinks he's so great, like he's a monk or something!" Well, FUCK you, maybe i do! Get a life yourself instead of passing judgement on mine!

I don't think like 'normal' people do. For instance, i don't say "How are you?" to virtually anyone... UNLESS i actually care how you are! If you have been sick, i will ask. If I know you to be having personal problems, i will ask. If it is a monday morning and i meet you on the street for the first time, why in the holy jesus ass fuck do i care how you are doing? FOR WHAT REASON am i going to say "Hi, how are you?" only for you to say "Fine, how are you?" Its not that i do it out of some deep need to be a jerk to anybody, or some freaky desire to stand out... Its just not in my mind to ask a complete stranger how they are doing! it never occurs to me to ask, because i just don't care!

Also, as you've noticed, i like the word 'Fuck'. I use it all the time; everyday conversation, talking to my mom and dad, to my kids, to my boss, all day every day. What better, more versatile word is there in the English language? Fuck the fucking fuckers who don't fucking like it! My step mom liked the word "Evidently" in the same way. Though it is not nearly as useful as 'Fuck', everything to her was 'evident' that it should have been noticed or done. As it turns out, 'Fuck' is not a generally accepted word in society: asking for a 'Fucking McFlurry' will get you thrown out of McDonalds (Trust me, i know!) But, it is the way that i talk. Do i allow my kids to use it? Fuck no, they're kids! But, should i shelter my kids from something as simple as a word? Or, should i teach them when it is 'polite' to use it and when not? (You know what a bad word is... Holocaust. Rape. Patricide. Does channel 6 censor these words? Fuck no!)

I think you get the gist of things. I am writing this because i need an outlet for these seemingly 'strange' thoughts that i have, and i haven't found a place that isn't censored. I've found that a lot of my 'friends' on Facebook have blocked my feed... i know that because NONE of my comments show on their pages, or comments i may make to someone get deleted. I could take O-fence to that, but i won't. (Being ignored is one of the things that O-fends me.) I know now that Facebook isn't the place to talk about things... it is a place to ask "How are you?" to people you never see and with whom you have no other connection.

As i go along, i'm going to pick topics that O-fend me, and tell you why. That is the beauty of a Blog... you came here on purpose to see what i had to say, so if it O-fends you, it's your own fault, not mine. I'm going to post this link to Facebook, i imagine i'll get a million dings of people saying "I hope that motherfucker isn't talking about me!" I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, or for anyone to feel that i am attacking them; it is a treatise on life, on my view of the world. Take it for what it is, or don't take it at all.

One last thing, my first thought for a name was Angry White Man, but i knew that would label this forever more as a racist dialogue, just because i said 'White". Angry Black Man would be OK to do, but me stating the fact that i am caucasion in the title is just 'wrong'. I think that will be the first subject that i talk about...

The Angry Man