I saw something on my way home today that made me want to pick up something heavy and smash somebody with it. This post is titled 'Religion' because what I saw has something to do with religion, or rather the atrocities that are enacted in the name of religion. I know you can't say "All Christians are assholes" or "Muslims are camel humping cock-mongers" because its not ALL people of any faith whom perform bestiality whilst hoarding penises... Just the ones who take themselves (and their religion) just too god damn seriously to be allowed out of doors unsupervised.
I was on my
way home from the store in the pedophile van, and I saw a mini-van in front of me with two bumper stickers. One said "Marriage = One Man + One Woman" and was sponsored by a website nogaymarriage.com; the other said "Body piercing saved my life" and it had a picture of a hand with a spike driven through it (as in crucifixion). It took everything I had not to squeal the tires in my piece of shit and ram that motherfucker into the guardrail.

First of all, who the fuck cares who someone else marries? HOW does that in ANY WAY affect YOUR life? Why should anyone other than me have a say in to whom I can pledge a sacred vow? Two men, two women, one man and 5 women, an Irishman and his sheep... who cares? Be happy that another human being found love and is expressing it publicly. Gay people have a hard enough time getting by in society as it is; leave these people the fuck alone!
Second, why
are the religious (and Christians in particular) so threatened by this? Does the advent of gay marriage some how invalidate an individuals faith? Faith is defined as "Loyalty or allegiance to a cause or person." So, if Ben Roethlisberger and Payton Manning (I think so, anyway) get together and 'brown' it up, this somehow makes YOUR belief in Jesus less sure? Is it because you believe God wouldn't allow such a thing to come to pass? That God is disgusted by homosexuals? But, didn't God create each and everyone of us in His own image? Then how is it possible that we have any power whatsoever to go against 'almighty Gods' design?
And, why drag Jesus name through the mud with your message of hate? People are assholes, but I cannot believe that religion was designed with any amount of hatred as its in
tent. Jesus was a good man... Same as Mohammad, Buddha, the guy from Latter Day saints, all the prophets ever named; all good, decent men. Emulating the finer points and attitudes of such good men is a pretty good idea. I just cannot believe that ANY of these men spent any time HATING someone else. That said, how can any person who calls themselves a person of faith use up any energy with hatred and prejudice? And then, have the audacity to attribute it TO their faith?
Finally, t
he last thing that chapped my ass: It was a mini-van. A fucking FAMILY vehicle. So this douche-bag cunt is teaching her family these same values. Starting a new generation of hate mongering ass wipes, enacting violence and prejudice on their fellow men and women... in the name of Jesus Christ. WWJD, what would Jesus do? Samuel L said it best: "...And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee." Then commence with the pious bitch-slapping of these ignorant, self-hating, arrogant pricks.
The Angry Man
I was on my

First of all, who the fuck cares who someone else marries? HOW does that in ANY WAY affect YOUR life? Why should anyone other than me have a say in to whom I can pledge a sacred vow? Two men, two women, one man and 5 women, an Irishman and his sheep... who cares? Be happy that another human being found love and is expressing it publicly. Gay people have a hard enough time getting by in society as it is; leave these people the fuck alone!
Second, why

And, why drag Jesus name through the mud with your message of hate? People are assholes, but I cannot believe that religion was designed with any amount of hatred as its in

Finally, t

The Angry Man
I'm glad you're writing again.
ReplyDeleteDidn't know I stopped... have one stewing, will post soon ;)