This is about some shit that has pissed me off in the last few days regarding politics. Remember, dear reader, that your loving Angry Man is A-political... I have NO affiliation, nor will I. This post sort of has to do with the election that just wrapped up about 10 months ago... and the fact that already, I see dickheads with counters saying things like "Only 1107 days until he's out of office!"
First off, this poor guy Obama was put in charge of a country in the worst position it has been globally in 80 years. This is because our last elected leader was an un-certified retard. Yeah, I said it! Now, remember, I don't give two shits about POLITICS; I hated the movie Fahrenheit 911 because, hell, if you take ONLY the bad publicity from someone and play distorted soundbites out of context, you can make ANYONE seem like a villain. I don't think he was a BAD man; but, G.W. was a goddamn fool. Watch ANY public appearance by him, and you'll see what a dipshit he is. There just is no denying the state in which our economy was left. There is also no denying that he entered us into a war on two fronts, which any Sun Tzu student (or Starcraft player) would know is a BAD IDEA. Any one who says he was a successful president is a die-hard right winger, refusing to acknowledge reality.
Barack Obama is a man... for arguments sake, we'll say a good man. In the same way that I don't think G.W. was a bad man, I believe any elected official gets up and goes to work with the idea of doing a good job. Obama has been handed the reigns of a sinking ship, and is doing his best to steer. People want to be pissed off about this suggestions for universal health care or gun control, but at least he is DOING something! Shit is BROKE, and he's looking to try some different things to find a way to fix it. Big picture here, people! Why do you think he wants to institute a program like universal health care? Is it because he is a tyrant, and wants to institute BIG GOVERNMENT over everything, so he and his cronies can burst with evil laughter and twist their luxuriant handlebar mustaches? Or, because he thinks it might be a solution to a portion of the economy domintated by unfair practices?
All I'm saying, is give a brother a chance! He's a quarter of the way into his presidency, he's showing some initiative, lets see what he'll come up with. Lets TALK about some of his policies... but don't write the man off...
As an added note, I just read an article about Jimmy Carter saying an outburst during a congressional session was racially motivated. Racism is fucking dead, Jim. What that comment does is finger YOU as a racist; just the fact that such a thing was at the forefront of your mind tells me its not too far from your heart.
The Angry Man
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