This is not something that I would normally talk about, because I am the LAST person to get involved in a political discussion. But it is in the news now, and I've heard some fucked up discussions about it. Call me an anti-politician, because I don't give a fuck whose 'side' I'm on, I'm just going to say what I think about the 'idea' of a Universal health care plan.
First off, I don't have the first fucking clue about what Obama's actual package for universal health care contains. I don't care, if it gets voted in, great... if not, great! (Not giving a fuck is AWESOME!) Second, I am not a democrat OR a republican... I was born an American, therefore I am interested in what is going to help Americans, not just myself or my 'friends'. That means ALL Americans, the Old, the Crippled, the Stupid... EVERYONE. As much as I may hate stupid people, and feel they should all be shipped to a remote island to be flogged daily and forced into cannibalism, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same health care plan that I do. (I don't even have a problem with these so called 'Illegal Aliens' that they talk about. Don't worry, i'll have a whole seperate post bitching about that issue!).
I think universal health care is a good idea. So does EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON THE PLANET. If that isn't a compelling enough reason enough to switch over, than I don't know what is. This is the only country that allows insurance companies to make decisions regarding YOUR health. When you allow financial experts rather than health maintenance professionals to decide what procedures you need, you KNOW you live in a fucked up time. Ever see that Robin Williams movie where he is a robot that wants to become human? By the end of it, him and his wife are both Cyborgs that lived to be like 200... (Well, son, I'm sorry, but with a credit score like that, you'll NEVER get that kidney!)
I went to the pharmacy a few years ago, and was told that my insurance denied payment for my medicine (I don't remember what it was). So, I called my insurance company, and I told the rep, "Hi, I'd like to speak with Dr. Tweel please." She said "I'm sorry?" "Well, I was just denied for my prescription that he ordered me to take, and since you DENIED my claim, I assumed he was there to advise you to do so. Does he have other instructions for me?" Needless to say, she was totally confused. This is the crap that I'm talking about. We have allowed too much power into the hands of those with the money, rather than the knowledge. (On a sidenote, check out the Geniocracy movement... really interesting things going on there...)
A lot of the discussion I see surrounding this issue has to do with social security benefits... that 'hard working Americans' that pay taxes are upset to be footing the bill for those that don't work. Well, that is exactly what 'social security' means, isn't it? For every douche-bag scammer that is 'faking' an injury to get a free ride, there are a dozen old, retarded, or really injured people that we, as a civilized nation, SHOULD choose to support. This is not the dark ages, where the old and infirm were ran out of town because they could no longer contribute! Not 50 years ago, it was VERY common to move your parents into your house when they retired... not shove them off to some granny college to knit afgans and watch Jeopardy until they die. When did we stop caring about the community, and start only caring for ourselves?
Chris Rock said some good stuff about insurance (you know, back when he was FUNNY)... "You know what's a real bitch? Insurance. It should be called 'In-Case-Shit". You give me some money In-Case-Shit happens... Well, if Shit don't happen, shouldn't i get my money back?" The very concept of Insurance and gambling stocks with things like Hedge Funds and mortgage lending are all what fucked up our economy in the first place. Universal Healthcare is a step towards regulating that; taking the power back from the guys with the money. And, don't give me that shit about "Big Government" taking over... if someone was watching these dirtbag cocksuckers in the first place, we wouldn't be in the shit like we are now... This 'fear' of a tyrannical government lording over it's people is a complete sham. Stay tuned for a rant on that, too...
That's my thoughts on Health Care, and where it should be. Once again, if you agree with what i say, let me know, give me a story about it... If you disagree, do the same thing, prove me wrong!
The Angry Man